Here in Michigan, changing seasons means our skins needs change. The winter can be a difficult time to maintain glowing, moisturized skin, but the tips below can certainly help! Drink water. I know you've heard this a thousand times, but there are so many benefits besides just keeping you hydrated. You can also try swapping your morning coffee for green tea. The bonus is you can use a pretty reusable water bottle to drink from! Use a humidifier. Turning on the furnace means very dry air. I love my humidifier in the winter! It helps keep my skin from drying out by putting moisture back in the air. I definitely notice a difference when I don't use it. Replace your light weight moisturizer for a heavier cream. Help your guests change up their skin care routine, by showing them new products. I usually have summer and winter skin and hair care, so be sure your guests know it is a good idea to switch it up! It is not something a lot of people think about! Limit your shower a...